Monday, March 6, 2017

Weekly Update #100

This weekly update is due to be a bit different. Let's fire away.

     My first companion, Elder Oldham, was a champion. He defines the word 'legend'. Here I was, this fireball of enthusiasm, energy, debating skills, knowledge, and he was the one to direct it all to the Lord's work. What a blessing to have had him as a companion. We rocked it in Dublin, meeting Reynaldo, Michael, our Polish friend, and many, many other fantastic people. We worked like mad, both physically and missionarylly. Legendary. Flat out legendary. On a scale of 1 to 10, I would pay 50 euro to him.

     Then came Elder Wynder. Elder flippin' Wynder. What a swell fellow! Here was a man who I got along with as well as two peas in a pod, two bullets in a chamber, two midgets in a car trunk, we defined the phrase "companionship unity". Not only in Dublin, but in Thurso as well. We reckled whatever was thrown in our way: whether it was Zuu or mucking out a barn, we could do it. We made it through Thurso when we lost our car, and we did so with some smiles on our faces. Beware the flying wall and work until the wheels fall off!

     Elder Tarbet was a champion. With him, I met Anne. That was a HUGE moment in missionary work. He was great, too. We played Dungeons and Dragons on Halloween and Guy Fawke's Night and it was legendary! We taught some great people and helped Annette progress towards her baptism. Not only that, but I had the blessing of seeing him again when we met in Dundalk for an evening while he was on the road home. What a blessing! Never roll five 1's in a row, it only causes trouble.

     Now, Elder Roylance was great. We're talking about a legend, all of these chaps are legends. We figured out Dalkeith and made it work. I improved my cooking with Elder Roylance and we spent many nights listening to Bing Crosby as Christmas approached. The delicious spaghetti lunches with Jack, Roslin Chapel, and all the rest! How else can you spell good craic? We just did it, we gave it action, and we had a party at it as well.

     Thurso was a huge move, literally. Not the biggest move I would ever make, but it was big for the time and at the end of it all was Elder Thueson. What a champion. He taught me the ins and outs of Thurso and laid the groundwork for the Wynder and Kinville phenomena. Elder Thueson was the definition of diligent. Pouring rain and 50 mph gusts? Let's go chapping. What a fantastic elder to have served with. Dodge David, all day every day.

     In the MTC, Elder Arave and I agreed that we would have to serve with each other, preferably in Lerwick. We did for a day later in the mission, but before that came the legendary five weeks that was my time in Livingston. It was a dream come true, so it was. We chapped and chapped and chapped and chapped and had a ton of fun doing it! Not only that, but I prepared him for the north to spend some fantastic time with Wynder up there. Incredible how it all works together. Surely, there was no jumping on the bed.

     Then, I was sent back across the Irish sea, right over to Dublin's place, where I was in dear Dundalk with Elder Corcran. It was a blast. Granted, we had some rough times with his knee, but we tore it up in Dundalk while it lasted. Big W right there, big W. Ayyyy lmao, Bryn.

     Then along came Elder Plewe. He was a champion. We hit some rough patches in Dundalk with him, but he worked right through it. What a legend. We spent some twelve weeks in dear Dundalk, talking to many Muslims and Chinese people. At the end of it all, we learned that the most important thing is to receive revelation from time to time as D&C 90:14 says.

     And then, dream come true. I was moved up practically to Norway where I was with Elder Giles. He was a force to be reckoned with. When something needed done, he was the man. When the Spirit had to lead the way, he was the man. We had many walks in 80 mph winds and saw many cliffs and much sea. But in the end, it was a fantastic twelve weeks rocking and rolling in Shetland. It was as well as can be expected. Never forget, and never stop bouncing on some heads.

     Finally, I was off to Stranraer to be with Elder Ritchie. Now, he's a fellow one ought to watch out for, because he is going to tear it up in the rest of his mission. What a champion he is. We've done great work and we've had great fun. This is a great way to end of a mission. I've been privileged to have served with all of these elders. Never underestimate the power of the scout's code and time always runs in circles.

     Friends, family, for you all are one and the other in God's eyes, thank you all. It's been rough, it's been tough, but I've had great craic. To break something my last week: Man! It's been so awesome serving with all these cool guys!


     That felt too good. Too good!

     This last fellow here is another Lord of Glencoe. He's a legend, and there's two lords.

     To all of you, for you all have special places in my heart: hi-bye. I'll see all of you someday, there's no needs for goodbyes.


Elder Kinville

Jacob 6:12 "O be wise; what can I say more?"
In the name of progress!

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