Monday, August 29, 2016

Weekly Update #73

  Top of the morning from Dundalk! Here's a quick weekly update for ya'll!

     This week was grand! For the rest of Monday, we went out and about, did our stuffs, and went down this road we thought would be neat. It was, and we found a grand field! Fun times.

     Tuesday was our first District Meeting of the transfer, and it was fun. We met with our district, which now has sisters which is neat. I haven't had sisters in my district since Terenure, about a year ago. So, that's neat. The rest of Tuesday, we did some finding, and in the evening we met with one of our friends who treated us to some sushi and it was divine! Well worth it and I deeply enjoyed the conversation and thoughts that were shared.

     Wednesday we boogied out to do some more finding and all that fun Jazz. We taught a few lessons here and there, too, and it was a grand day. We found this neat stone altar thing on a riverbed, which is neat. No clue what it means, but it was fun to look at.

     Thursday we weekly planned, did that, and did some finding. It was pleasant. I enjoyed what we did. Nothing really exciting happened, but that's okay.

     Friday we went right out with GQing in the morning. That was fun. We met some incredible people and had some fantastic conversations! In the evening, it was the usual: some finding, a lesson, overall a good time.

     Saturday was a special day. In the morning, this lady approached us and explained how she had met missionaries in Romania and was quick to invite us to visit with her this Friday! Wow! We, of course, agreed. That was a blessing. Then, we did some finding in Blackrock, met some other neat people, and that was the night. We also got this incredible fruit juice drink thing from one of our friends that we meet with. It is sooooo good! F'reals!

     Sunday was incredible, too! We went about, went to church, had a good time there. Then, after lunch, we got a text from one of our friends inviting us to her church services. She had come to one of ours, and we didn't have anything planned, so we agreed. It was an interesting service and gave some interesting insights and perspective on the teachings of Christ. We met some Americans there, too. That's always a plus.

     That was this week! Thank you all for the support and the epicness, keep it up, keep doing good, loving God, and being you! Cheers!


Elder Kinville

Jacob 6:12 "O be wise; what can I say more?"
In the name of progress!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Weekly Update #72

     A lovely, wee bit rainy day here in Dundalk, but what else could you ask for? An epic week? Certainly!

     Monday we went about and did a bit of business before catching a train to Dublin to prepare to get Elder Corcran on the ferry to Scotland.

     Tuesday it was an early start to the day. I woke up 4:30 to head out with Elder Jones, our Zone Leader, to drop off some other missionaries. I then spent the rest of the morning with him. Around noon, we swapped who was with who while we waited for our companions to come over from Scotland and I went with Elder Kitchen. We were freed in Dublin City, so I took a detour to Grafton Street and whatnot and checked out some old things. Me and Elder Kitchen got some American beverages, too.

That was grand. Later, our companions came in and me and Elder Plewe were off to Dundalk to begin an epic companionship.

     Wednesday we got right up into the work. We kicked it off with going to town to show Elder Plewe around after taking care of some business that had to be done in the flat. After that, we started GQing, met some neat people, and then were off to the flat for the evening.

     Thursday we had weekly planning. Like always, it was a blast. After, we had lunch and went off to bike into town to met with this fellow when Elder Plewe's bike broke. So, we walked. A fifteen minute bike ride translates to a forty or so minute walk, fun fact. We went over to the fellow's house, seeing some people on the way, and taught an epic lesson. After that, we walked to town to teach this other fellow. That lesson was grand as well! Then, we walked home for dinner.

     Friday we started off with a few miscellaneous things about our flat then off we went to the city. While in the city, we had a lesson to walk to and I found some Blackberries! 

That was great, I loved that. The lesson was great, too. We did a bit of finding in the evening then that was it.

     Saturday morning we did some chapping. After that, we had some finding to do about in the town. Like always, it was good but also took a wee while. After that, we met with a fellow and taught him a lesson about prayer and then it was time to head back. Walking takes a lot of time.

     Sunday was great, like. We went off to church, had a grand time there, then went out to teach a lesson. After that, we did a bit more chapping to close out the night and that was Sunday done and dusted.

     Today has already been good. We have a lesson scheduled and it should be great!

     Hey, you all have a great week! Take care and do good!

Elder Kinville

Jacob 6:12 "O be wise; what can I say more?"
In the name of progress!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Weekly Update #71

 From Dundalk, Ireland, I bring you a weekly update. The mood and tone of this update will be different than perhaps all of the others. So without delay, here's the week:

     Monday was done when I was done emailing. We could not do a whole lot due to Elder Corcran's knee problem.

     Typically on Tuesday we would go to District Meeting, not so on this Tuesday. On the way to District Meeting, I was checking my gears when there was a surprise garbage bin in my way. There was a crash, but I was fine with no injuries. Shortly thereafter, I once again wiped out again, but once again was not injured. You could say I was shaken, not stirred. Because of the timing of that second crash and the recovery thereof, we missed the train to Dublin and so were en route to the church building to call in for District Meeting when there was a third crash. By this point, I was frustrated. However, I still got away with only bruises. The rest of the day was a combination of resting, recovering, and trying to do some work. It was alright.

     Wednesday was about the same as Monday. Not a lot was done, but we got out and did a bit of GQing.

     Now, I could go on to describe the rest of my week, but at this point I would rather not. Now, do not read part of this message before you respond assuming anything. Please read the entirety of these words. I would like to, instead, talk about a question that has crossed the mind of everyone, probably since the age of two: why? A simple, one word question: why? By using it, you can deplete an encyclopedia of resource and still have that question unanswered. Discovering the why of anything is the true challenge, the true goal or task of the true devout of that topic. It was the question why that has pushed our advances in society, our development as people, and it ought to also be what pushes us spiritually.

     There's been plenty of points this week, everyday this week, in fact, where I've asked 'why?' Why am I here? Why am I spending my time trying to talk to people in the streets? Why am I in this Church? Why do I still try? Pressing, deep, and hard questions to answer. But to put it simply, in a single phrase many of you may have heard me say before: 'In the name of progress'. Progression is the why of life.

     Progress is the why of life, the reason why we even exist. If there was no progression, there would be no point, no 'why', no reason for anything. Progression, requires exiting our comfort zones. A friend of mine who's mission farewell I attending talked about it as 'our coffins of comfort' because that's what they are. When we're comfortable, we're not progression. We are not growing, we are not achieving our potential, and we are simply wasting away. To put it in terms of salvation: we are damned when we are in our comfort zones. Progression requires us to exit these zone, strive to endure what there is to endure, learn what there is to learn, and find peace rather than comfort. A deep, lasting peace that I know only the gospel of Jesus Christ brings to people.

     The reason 'why' we do anything is to progress, is to learn, to experience. The reason 'why' anything happens is to give us a chance for us to choose to progress, learn, and gain experience from it that we may have knowledge and thus make it wisdom, or applied knowledge. This is the 'why' of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

     I am grateful to be on my mission. I would rather be nowhere than in Dundalk at this time. I am where I need to be to experience what I need to experience to learn, grow, and progress. Friends, family, loved ones, because everyone who gets this email falls into one or more of those categories, go about this week with a determination to grasp the why. To quote Galaxy Quest: Never give up, never surrender. 

P.S. There was a huge spider in the church. Here's a picture.


Elder Kinville

Jacob 6:12 "O be wise; what can I say more?"
In the name of progress!

Monday, August 8, 2016

Weekly Update #70

Elder Wynder is on his last week. Crazy, crazy, crazy. But in other news, hello and an apology for the lateness and length of this message! We had a bit of a hiccup with our usual place, but I'm on a computer now and sending craic out.

    Monday was grand. We had Boojum's in Dublin and did some teaching in their area to help them out.

     Tuesday was much the same: more Boojum's and more teaching. We traveled back to Dundalk and had to rest Elder Corcran's knee as well. 

     Wednesday was a working day. We taught two lessons with folks and it was pretty good. I enjoyed Wednesday. That was that.

     Thursday we went out and about and did a bit more work. We were limitied in what could be done, but we got some craic out of the way. Overall, a fairly productive day.

     Friday we traveled to Dublin early in the morning to be at an All Ireland Conference. That was grand. After, we had some Boojums and then went back to Dundalk for some more work. We got things done and it was grand.

     Saturday we taught another lesson and kept doing work about town. Yep. Yep.

     Sunday, church was great. We had some good meetings, nice testimonies, and some good classes. After, we were able to teach two more lessons and do a bit more around our flat. It was a good day.

     That was this week. Short on time, so I have to get going. Thank you all so much for the support and prayers, I need them. Have a grand week and keep doing good craic!


Elder Kinville

Jacob 6:12 "O be wise; what can I say more?"

Monday, August 1, 2016

Weekly Update #69

Top of the morning to you all from Dublin! Curve ball today as we're in Dublin because of a meeting last night, but that's a story for later. 

     The rest of Monday was great. Had a good time and enjoyed what went on. We went about and took care of what had to be done and that was the day.

     Tuesday we had exchanges and a Zone Meeting. That was a blast. I was with Elder Trease and we went about GQing folks in Dublin. We also taught a few lessons, so that was grand. It was fun being back in Dublin. Granted, I was on the north side of the Liff, but it was still Dublin! 

     Wednesday we traveled back to Dundalk, did a bit of work and GQing and such. It was pretty good. Can't complain about it. 

     Thursday we continued our roll. We weren't able to get in contact with a few of our people, but we still kept on working. It was a decent time. There's no pictures this week because the computer at this internet cafe isn't taking my camera, so next week you'll get somethings from this week.

     Friday we had a doctors appointment for Elder Corcran. His knee's been giving him some problems, and it turns out now that he is to rest for a week and a bit to let the swelling go down and such. So, Friday we were resting in the flat most of the day, but went out to go to a barbecue and to teach a fellow in town. That was fun and that was Friday.

     Saturday we went out and kept resting as doctor prescribed. In the evening, we went to a member's house for an evening meal. It was great, can't complain.

     Sunday, though. Sunday we had some action. While at church, Elder Corcran got a call from our District Leader and we had to travel down to Dublin to have a meeting that night. So, after church we had lunch and traveled down to Dublin for a meeting. It was a fantastic meeting, great things are to come from it. So, we stayed the night in Finglas' flat.

     That was our week. It's pretty slow, this coming week is also going to be a wee bit slow, but it should be good. 

     Grand week, like. Good times ahead. Have a fantastic day, ya'll!


Elder Kinville

Jacob 6:12 "O be wise; what can I say more?"